
Empty Space is an artistic platform based in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland. We explore the interactions of physical media, their characteristic formal languages, and their modes of functionality. To achieve this, we focus on projects that experiment with various art forms, aesthetics, and crafts. Our goal is to create works of art that challenge conventional modes of production and reception.

To bring each project to life, we collaborate with different artists, blending their distinctive approaches and methods into something new. Depending on the medium, many of our productions are conceived as one-of-a-kind pieces or one-time performances.

Empty Space is registered in the Swiss commercial register and operates as a non-profit association, with all revenue either supporting the artists or being reinvested in future projects.

We are always on the lookout for new opportunities to collaborate creatively. Whether you’re a musician, graphic designer, dancer, curator, director, photographer, or any other type of creative, we’d love to hear from you about your project or collaboration idea.

If you’re interested, simply send us a brief description of your concept and how you envision our collaboration. If your idea aligns with our aesthetics and resources, we’ll get back to you. We’re also open to sharing our experiences, contacts and means of production with like-minded people around the world.

If you’d like to work with one of our artists individually but can’t find their contact information, feel free to reach out to us - we’ll ask them to contact you. None of our artists work under exclusive contracts; we aim to support, not exploit, our community.

Empty Space Biel/Bienne Verein Association Artistic Platform